Wage war against the dreaded skinny fat state in modern man and gain the muscle you are looking for.
No more fad diets.
No more guessing games with your programming.
Just results by following the guidelines written out by a highly experienced personal trainer & nutrition coach.
This 30 page E-book lays out helpful nutritional guidelines according to your body weight with macro "cheat sheets" you can download or print for quick reference, and comes with clear video instruction for your training.
Not only that, but this E-book provides plenty of education about the process in order for you to continue to grow in a sustainable manor.
I want you to have a thorough understanding of how this can be done so that you can continue to progress into the future equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to move forward on your own forever.
Behold, one of many proven methods to eat & train to gain size and build your physique.